
The Holidays

The Holidays

The holidays are not always merry.   Even in the best of circumstances, there may be difficulties and stress that challenge our joy.  For others, the holidays magnify pain and hurts.  Here are some reminders to offer help for the holidays as presented by Gary Bradley, Jr. in our Grief Recovery workshop.

1. Romans 8:31-32. The cross says everything God wants us to know about being for us.  

2. Luke 9:11.  Jesus spoke to them of the kingdom and healed those who needed healing.

3. Luke 22:41-42.  In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed.  We pray and ask God for what we want, but we trust God to give us what we need.

4. John 11:21 & 32.  Martha and Mary independently said to Jesus, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died." Be truthful about how bad it hurts and take it to the right source.