
Make Him Known

The next posts will be featuring excerpts from the speeches that will be presented at the Leadership Training for Christ convention. The theme is Make Him Known.

Make Him Known by Denson

While Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy to come to him in Athens, he wandered around the city.  He observed that the city was full of idols, which were worshiped by the people.  He was very upset seeing how the people did not worship the true God.  He first went to the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews and God-fearing Gentiles.  He also reasoned with people in the market place every day.

Certain philosophers took Paul to the leaders of Athens so he could be questioned about the strange things he was teaching.  They wanted to know what these things meant.  The Bible says that all the people in Athens and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time doing nothing but telling or hearing something new.  So Paul presented them with the good news of Christ.

He stood in the  midst of these city leaders and philosophers and began by saying he had observed that they were very religious in all respects.  He told them he had found an altar 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.'  Therefore, he told them they were worshiping in ignorance so he began to tell them about the God who made the world and everything in it.    

In studying Acts 17 verses 16 through 34, I realized God wants everyone to make Jesus known to people with whom we come in contact.  Because I am young and a student, the main way I can let others know about Jesus is the way I conduct myself.  I have to be creative and look for ways that I can make Jesus known, especially to people who don't know Jesus.

I like to talk to people so I invited friends to come to my church.  I invite my friends to attend our vacation Bible school.  I try to be a good example to my friends and family.  I participate in lots of activities at church.  It is my goal, like Paul's, to always make Jesus known wherever I go.