Devotional Thoughts

June 2017


Make Him Known – By Emma

A man from our church named Mr. Walter has been going to Honduras for seven years. He goes to build schools and churches. He also helps build and repair homes of Christians who live in Trujillo and the surrounding area. He goes with his friend Jack, a friend from high school days, and around 30 to 40 other volunteers who want to help the Christians living in and around the city.

Mr. Walter repairs plumbing issues, leaky roofs and electrical problems, especially those occurring in the Christian school and in the five churches located in Trujillo. The Christian school is sponsored by the West Metro Church of Christ in Hiram, Georgia. Most of the children would not get an education if not for the Trujillo Christian Children’s School. The West Metro church supplies the children with their uniforms, shoes and books. They go to school for free.

Mr. Walter’s trips remind me of Paul’s visiting churches in Acts. Paul was in Athens waiting for Silas and Timothy to join him. In Acts 17 verses 23 through 34, Paul relates how he made Jesus known in Athens. Paul was deeply troubled because in traveling through Athens he saw so many idols. They even had an altar dedicated to an Unknown God. Paul used this particular idol to teach them about Jesus. The leaders of the city asked Paul to explain what he was teaching because they said his ideas were strange to them. Paul proceeded to tell them this “unknown god” was the God he had been telling them about. Paul said He is the one true God who made the whole world and everything in it. He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. He does not live in temples which men build. This God is the One who gives all people life, breath and everything else. God doesn’t need any help from human begins; God has everything he needs. God started with one man.

Paul and Mr. Walter are both missionaries for Christ. Paul is still making Jesus known in this century through his letters recorded in the Bible. Mr. Walter is making Jesus known in the areas through which he moves in his life. He has dedicated his life to making Jesus known wherever he goes. This should be the goal of each of us–to make Jesus known wherever we go.